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Posted: January 19, 2024

Is Nikki Haley the New Dixiecrat?

By Ms. Arelya J. Mitchell, Publisher/Editor-in-Chief

The Mid-South Tribune


Last month, a participant in the Berlin, New Hampshire Town Hall asked Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley: “What was the cause of the Civil War?”

To which the former UN Ambassador Haley replied: “I think the cause of the Civil War was basically how the government was going to run. The freedoms and what people could and couldn’t do. What do you think the cause of the Civil War was? I think it always comes down to the role the government and what the rights of the people are. And I will always stand by the fact that I think government was intended to secure the rights and freedoms of the people. It was never intended to be all things to all people. Government doesn’t need to tell you how to live your life. They don’t need to tell you what you can and can’t do. They don’t need to be part of your life. They need to make sure you have freedom. We need to have capitalism. We need to have economic freedom. We need to make sure we do all things so that individuals have the liberties so that they can have freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to do or be anything they want to be without government in the way.”

The above answer did not satisfy the town hall attendee who asked why didn’t she say slavery was the cause of the Civil War?

To which Haley lightly snapped: “What do you want me to say about slavery?”

That seemed a rather odd thing for Haley to come back with, seeing that she is the former governor of South Carolina, the state which started the American Civil War and that her father taught at a Historically Black College (HBCU). As a side note, in many cases those professors who came from India taught at HBCUs during a time of segregation or shortly after segregation because they were of a darker complexion; therefore, they were more readily accepted at HBCUs. All of which meant to me that Haley of all people should have known that slavery was the main cause of the Civil War.

This is when I thought, ah, a Dixiecrat in the 21st Century.

Then, I started noticing that Haley was cozying up to Democrats wanting them to cross over during the Iowa caucuses to boost her over frontrunner President Donald Trump who had appointed Haley UN Ambassador. She stayed in that position for a hot minute before handing in her resignation. That surprised me then, but later, when she jumped into the Republican presidential race to challenge Trump, the man who put her on the international and national map with his appointment of her in that prestigious and influential position, I understood. What did I understand? I understood Haley’s ambitions were to trample over Trump to get to the White House, that she was going to play both sides of the fence, that she was a lukewarm Democrat disguised as Republican, and that she was going to let herself be utilized by Democrats to destroy Trump by any means necessary to get to the White House. Haley kept emphasizing that when elected Donald Trump was the right president at that time, but he should not be reelected because chaos follows him, and we can’t have that! Chaos, chaos, chaos, Haley was chanting this mantra in relation to Trump that it was quickly making her the darling of the Democrats and a legacy media. She was their girl—or shall I say ‘birthing person”?


She ranted over and over that “chaos” followed Trump, picking up the same buzzword Dems and legacy press were using, indicating that it was he who caused the chaos without recognizing that it was the Dems who were causing the chaos. After all, the Dems have been adept in weaponizing the judicial system, the DOJ, and Soros-backed judges and DAs to charge Trump with everything under the sun. Weaponizing the judiciary was the main weapon the Democratic Party used to legitimize Jim Crow after the Civil War, after Republican President Abe Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, and after the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments were passed. To reiterate, weaponizing judges, lawyers, DAs   to change the Rule of Law has long been the modus operandi of the Democratic Party to control anybody and any party which opposes it. Donald Trump did not arrest himself; Donald Trump did not cause chaos on America’s border; Donald Trump did not cause a loaf of bread to hit $4; or the baby formula crisis; or gas to jump sky high; or a CRT pedagogy which teaches the White child will always oppress the Black child and the Black child will always be oppressed; or that math is racist; or that a crime wave was stimulated by cashless bail ;  or the Defund the Police Movement where even Black citizens don’t feel safe.  Donald Trump didn’t abandon our soldiers and partners which resulted in 13 American soldiers losing their lives in Afghanistan; Donald  Trump as commander-in-chief did not walk out of a war without telling our allies that he was doing so which has resulted in no ally really trusting us anymore; Donald Trump didn’t leave millions of dollars in state-of the-art military equipment in Afghanistan for the enemy to use against us; Donald Trump didn’t cause the mess in Ukraine where Biden and his boy Hunter are allegedly compromised. Donald Trump didn’t start a multitude of wars and conflicts. Donald Trump didn’t pull himself off the ballot. The list goes on. So, how the hell did Donald Trump cause “chaos” to follow him?  All you can get from Haley is that she is from a new generation.  She even thinks that if you are old, you should be required to take a cognitive test. That is right up there when Jim Crow law mandated that Blacks must take a literacy test along with citing various laws of a state to see if they qualified to vote—cognitive enough to vote. The last I heard is that if you want to run for president you had to be thirty-five or over and a U.S.-born citizen via the Constitution. Yet, she wants to change this by requiring anyone who is over a certain age to take a cognitive test. Also, she wants you to register with your real name to use the internet, social media, or some craziness on that level. (As a side note: CRT breeds illiteracy among young folks so they may have to take literacy tests in the future!).

Yet, Haley has the audacity to accuse “chaos” of following Trump while she rips off his accomplishments and his policies as her own.  For example, there would be no talk about building the wall to curtail Biden’s open border policy which is no more than multi-billionaire Soros’ Open Society being implemented to take away America’s sovereignty, if Trump had not begun the conversation and actually began building the wall. Even a dog marks his territory; thus, the nature of sovereignty.

In the New Hampshire primary and in upcoming primaries and caucuses, Haley will continue to cozy up to Democrats who can cross over into the Republican primary in their drive to preempt Trump much to Haley’s delight, I am sure. After the primary, these Dems will discard her. But she would have deserved it, because once she accepts this embrace from the Democrat socialists, progressives, Marxists, and DEI and CRT hypocrites, by default she becomes one of them. If she makes it to the White House, they will own her like a newborn slave.

And for these reasons and her not being able to utter the word ‘slavery,’ Trump should not even consider her to be his VP. What Black would want her when she cannot even acknowledge the main cause of the American Civil War or that she can even get beyond the Civil War to implement economic policies without those policies having already been Trump’s policies to “Make America Great Again”?

            Nikki Haley is a 21st Century Dixiecrat.